Grapebreeders Home Page

 Grapebreeders in USA,   Updated  20 - May -2006

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Holding your mouse on a site, you will get you a pop-up with name, location & GDD info.  This GDD is calculated from the average month temperature during the past 20 years ( from ). Now the info from here is limited to a 12 months temperature index, meaning that I could miss up to ½ a month GDD in spring and ½ a month in the other end of the warm GDD season. So you probably have to add 100-200 GDD in worst case.

Hardiness MAP for US:  Click here


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Farm, Loudon, GDD 2040F / 1130C Dave Burley Mark Hart Jacob Belanger David, Everett, GDD 1710F / 950C Lon Rombough, Aurora, GDD 1985F / 1100C Paul Troop Don Roberge Carl Camper, Colstrip, GDD 2205F / 1225C Phil Napoli, Wyoming, GDD 1765F / 980C Clifford P. Ambers, Monroe, GDD 3360F / 1870C Patrick Pierquet, Minneapolis, GDD 2530F / 1410C Kip Summers, Brentwood, GDD 4100F / 2280C Steve & Stephen Payton, Decatur, GDD 3420F / 1900C Philip Stewart, Gainesville, min. GDD 5500F / 3360C Bob Hudson , Dearborn Heights, GDD 2810F / 1560C Duane Smith, Evans Mills, GDD 2150F / 1200C